Accentuations of the Fourth Logic |
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Accentuations of the Fourth Logic

The property of Unconsciousness manifests itself in the fact that the 4L is not interested in the process of forming an opinion, it is focused on ready-made knowledge that can be applied. As a result, it does not like to explain its point of view, values authoritative opinions and the results of observations above logically constructed reasoning. 4L is also extraverted, so it does not seek to promote its own opinion or even form it. Thoughts and knowledge of other people are of interest to her. The combination of these properties leads to the fact that 4L simply succumbs to the opinions of others, like a sponge absorbing everything that authoritative people say. Thus, the Fourth Logic is an objective function.

Any 4L exhibits all of these properties in their character. The essence of accentuations is that one of them comes to the fore and is used most often in interaction with the world. In addition, a certain accentuation increases the likelihood of confusing 4L with another Logic. More information on this can be found below.

Accentuation: unconsciousness

For such a 4L, the reluctance to think too much is most noticeable. They are uncomplicated, do not get involved in disputes and discussions. They either know or they do not – there is no other option. 4L does not want to assume anything themselves, and either filters out other people’s assumptions or accepts them as fact. If an authoritative person expresses a thought briefly and confidently, it is much more likely to be accepted by Fourth Logic. And if not, 4L stubbornly sticks to their position. They are not affected by logically constructed chains of reasoning, and they do not even bother to argue or provide any explanations. They are so confident in their position that they can be confused with 1L. But 1L’s opinion is truly their own: it may be based on some literature, specialist’s words, and other sources, but it was thought out, formed, and confidently expressed by 1L. For 4L, on the other hand, the opinion is formed by other people’s views (in the worst case, rumors). By arguing with 4L, you are trying to make them think independently. Much more effective would be the confident “imposition” of your own opinion or mentioning authoritative opinions (when your competence is insufficient or does not inspire confidence). It is difficult to convey any new knowledge that does not fit into their understanding of the world to this Fourth Logic, but if you succeed, you can be sure that it has firmly entered their worldview. As a result, this accentuation has the most stable views.

Accentuation: extraversion

4L with accentuated extraversion is more actively interested in other people’s opinions. They are open to new knowledge and do not prevent others from expressing their point of view. From them, you can often hear phrases like: “What do you think about this?” or “He said that… Do you agree with him?” In addition, they often participate in arguments. All of this brings Fourth Logic closer to the Second Logic. The difference is that Second Logic not only wants to form an opinion, but is interested in discussing it, finding out how the interlocutor came to their conclusions, and reflecting together. 2L are excellent debaters who skillfully play with evidence. Fourth Logic is interested in other people’s opinions because they are interested in reliable knowledge. It is not particularly important for them how others arrived at it, but if several experts agree on something, it is definitely worth believing. If they need to prove or explain their point of view, 4L will refer to where they got this idea from: thinking for themselves is not interesting. 4L sees the world in such a way that the necessary knowledge already exists, it just needs to be found and assimilated. They argue accordingly: present their opinion as an undisputed fact that everyone should know. You can convince them if your competence or the authority of your sources is higher. This 4L can be called the most curious and open to dialogue.

Accentuation: objectivity

With this accentuation, it is easiest to convince Fourth Logic. You do not need to particularly bother with arguments to do this. Even rumors can shake their confidence in their own opinion. At the same time, constant doubts are one of the features of 3L. We can get confused whether we are dealing with Fourth or Third Logic. The differences lie in other properties of 3L and 4L. 3L does not need someone to simply give them the ready result, they want to be convinced, explained in detail, and interested in what they think. Doubts are an additional stimulus for work for 3L. 4L does not worry that they may miss a lot if they do not turn to