Ahmatova type (VELF) description
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Ahmatova type (VELF) description

Ahmatova is naturally inclined to draw attention to themselves as easily as breathing. These people possess a bright charisma and the ability to remain true to themselves and not adjust to anyone in any situation. VELF is extremely stubborn, and it is almost impossible to persuade them to do something they did not plan to do or, conversely, give up their plans. Their enthusiasm is contagious, so VELF can easily lead people. This type never doubts their right to power and does not ask themselves, “Am I worthy of the position I am in?”

Ahmatovas are one of the most productive types in art. If they write poetry, they do it constantly, as if “not a day without a line.” If they are a musician, they constantly create new songs and music, composing a large number of musical instruments and using unexpected means of expression. In art, Ahmatovas feel at home and do not feel any constriction.

Also, this type is not indifferent to the problems of those around them and is deeply affected by them. They will not rest until they help solve these problems. This aspect attracts people to them and creates a desire to communicate and make friends. However, it is impossible to have Ahmatova entirely to oneself, as these people dedicate themselves to global tasks. They help and sympathize with the whole world, not just you.

At the same time, those people who can understand them, penetrate their deepest motivations, and complement the worlds they create, are very valuable to Ahmatovas. They also love to talk about themselves as much as they do about others, and their stories will undoubtedly be fascinating and emotionally rich. Mysterious and secretive people also attract them, those in whom internal discord is visible. They want to help and liberate, even in cases where the person does not need it.

Ahmatovas have an inexhaustible thirst for knowledge, enjoy being in the company of intellectuals, and are fascinated by beautiful logical structures. They love discussions, and there is an enthusiastic emphasis on their attitude towards science. The fields of knowledge that come easily to representatives of this type are not valued by them. They strive to learn something complex to overcome themselves. For example, a VELF with an obvious predisposition to art and literature, who is fluent in foreign languages and an excellent speaker, may seek to learn exact sciences, thoroughly understand them, and achieve success in this field.

Ahmatovas, despite their indifference to the material world, often create their “own style,” which, in general, is the most absurd combination of things, but is perceived by those around them as something original and valuable due to the self-confidence and composure of this type. Their stubbornness can also be seen in their appearance. For example, Ahmatova may go on a hiking trip in a long skirt and high heels to not change her style.

In order for you to create a more complete image of Borgia, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the descriptions of their functions (1V, 2E, 3L and 4F), as well as their accentuations (1V, 2E, 3L and 4F).