Accentuations of the Second Volition |
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Accentuations of the Second Volition

The Conscious property leads to the fact that the Second Volition cannot bypass the goal-setting process. It is not enough for them to have any ready-made instructions or plans, as it is extremely important for the 2V to coordinate them with their own and other people’s desires. Due to their extraverted nature, the Second Volition pays significantly more attention to other people’s desires and achievements than their own. Both to those around them and to themselves, it may seem as if they have no aspirations of their own at all. The 2V is much easier to understand what they want when they discuss their plans with others. As a subjective Volition, they are not inclined to sacrifice their own desires. On the contrary, the 2V seeks to influence the intentions of the interlocutor, to support or dissuade them from their desires.

Depending on which of these properties is more pronounced, we distinguish the accentuations of the Second Volition. The article then discusses the manifestations of each accentuation, as well as the errors in typing that it can lead to:

Accentuation: consciousness

A person with accentuated 2V is quite democratic and dislikes any restrictions or coercion. In their opinion, every proposal can and should be considered. Such a Second Volition accentuation devotes a lot of time and attention to weighing each decision, to understand whether they or someone else really wants to implement the intended plan. And if the decision has already been made, they are always ready to go back to review it. So, you may have agreed with them yesterday on who will do what work in a joint project, but today the 2V proposes a new distribution, clarifies whether you are satisfied with your choice, and reflects on whether they really want to do this. Due to such variability, this 2V can be mistaken for 3V. They can be distinguished by the fact that such frequent discussions of plans are necessary for the Third Volition for motivation and confidence in their desires. The Second Volition does not need “recharges”, they are simply interested in weighing all the “pros” and “cons”. As a result, this is the most accommodating 2V with the most mysterious motives.

Accentuation: extraversion

With this accentuation, the Second Volition is more attentive to the intentions of others. This is a person who will definitely consider what others want before taking any action. Such a 2V can listen to the plans of an interlocutor for a long time and carefully, mostly supporting them. It is difficult to hear a refusal from them. If such a 2V does not share someone’s goals, they will try to get out of the situation in such a way as not to offend anyone. Such behavior may suggest that this is not the Second, but the Fourth Volition. However, the Fourth Volition is tired of “grinding” plans, it is ready to help in their implementation, not creation. In addition, 4V quickly gives up under direct pressure. The opposite is true for 2V: they can and want to listen and help determine the goal but rather direct others than follow them unquestioningly. Moreover, they do this in such a way that the interlocutor himself chooses from the proposed options. This is an advisor who will be extremely accurate and cautious in giving you advice on what to do but will always leave the right to make decisions with you. This 2V is the most delicate and attentive to the interlocutor.

Accentuation: subjectivity

The accentuation on subjectivity makes the Second Volition significantly more goal-oriented. It is important for them not just to discuss the decision, but also to agitate the interlocutor to action. Such a 2V easily takes on the role of a leader, they will not let you sit still. From polite persuasion to frank provocations, they will find a way to make others do something. Sometimes it seems that they do not care what others want, which is why such a 2V can be confused with 1V, especially with coinciding accentuation. But 1V wants it “here and now,” their activity is unstable and tied to their own desires. 2V is much more persistent and “storms” others with less effort, turning it into almost entertainment. Moreover, they often explain their actions by the fact that it is not them, but you who need to achieve your goals, and you, for some reason, are sitting and doing nothing. Sometimes such people seem intrusive, but they do not become less useful because of this. This is exactly the option that is needed to stir up the collective. This is the most persistent accentuation of 2V.