Accentuations of the Fourth Physics |
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Accentuations of the Fourth Physics

The Fourth Physics is unconscious and doesn’t pay much attention to needs and the material world as a whole. 4F is not particularly concerned with clothing, food, home environment, and rarely enjoys sports or other physical activities. The Extraversion property manifests itself in an interest in the needs of others rather than their own. The self-esteem of 4F is not dependent on their material situation; people with the Fourth Physics function are quite indifferent to this issue. As an objective function, 4F is subject to external influences, yielding to their own needs. On the one hand, such people are easy to get along with in everyday life, but on the other hand, they lack assertiveness to protect “their territory” when necessary.

In the character of 4F, one of these properties is always more noticeable. Depending on which accentuation a particular Fourth Physics person has, their character will vary considerably. Because of this, interaction with other types will have its peculiarities, and there is a chance of mistaking 4F for another Physics type. The description of each accentuation can be found below.

Accentuation: unconsciousness

4F with this accentuation is especially keen on stability. Such Fourth Physics function is faithful to their household habits, reluctant to discard old clothes and buy new ones, and does not like fuss in household affairs. It is not as easy to get along with them as it may seem at first. 4F will stubbornly defend their familiar way of life. 1F and 4F behave similarly even without this accentuation, making it even more difficult to distinguish them. But the First Physics function is oriented towards their own needs and is not influenced by others. 1F sets the lifestyle under which others should adapt. The Fourth Physics function, on the other hand, is oriented towards the needs of others and is quite impressionable. Often they defend habits that were imposed on them earlier (for example, when they were trained in childhood). 4F doesn’t think about whether these habits are comfortable for them. If they exist – let them be, if not – it’s not a big deal. In the end, there are other functions by which the AP-type works more and more often. Thus, this is the most conservative 4F.

Accentuation: extraversion

In individuals with accentuation on extraversion, the attention to others’ needs is most noticeable in the Fourth function. It is difficult for them to ignore something that makes someone uncomfortable. 4F is interested in others’ tastes and habits, which is something that connects them with 2F. However, the Second function spends much more time on material matters. They are physically active and, while very attentive to the tastes of others, don’t give up their own. Their strategy is to suggest and discuss. For the Second Physics, the material world is a space for creativity, while for the Fourth Physics, constant activity is exhausting. 4F simply yields and accepts the habits of others. They are not interested, for example, in culinary experiments. The Fourth Physics will simply ask what food the interlocutor likes. The Fourth function expects a maximum of a definite and confident answer. Nevertheless, it is easiest to find common ground with such 4F.

Accentuation: objectivity

When we think of the Fourth Physics, many people associate them with this accentuation. Such a 4F easily adapts to the circumstances of the material world. If there is no hot water, they will use cold water, if there is no normal food, they will switch to convenience foods. The 4F has a hard time maintaining an acceptable standard of living. Without someone else’s intervention, their existence quickly takes on ascetic traits, but the 4F don’t mind if someone else solves these problems for them. It may be unclear whether they are 4F or 3F because both functions are susceptible to external influences. For accurate typing, one should pay attention to something else: what kind of influence they expect and how they feel about it. The 3F is constantly aware of their aspect, they need to satisfy their needs, so they expect even if very persistent, but delicate help. The 3F is attentive to details, their needs are variable and require discussion. Everything is much simpler for the 4F: the material world simply flies out of their head. The demands of the 4F are so low that it is quite difficult to offend them. The Fourth Physics will be satisfied with any conditions as long as life is good and they are not bothered unnecessarily. In summary, this is the most lethargic and undemanding 4F.