Description of the First Emotion
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Description of the First Emotion

Each First function is egotistical in its own way. Therefore, if you have conscious Emotions (2E and 3E), you will undoubtedly feel that the 1E is selfish, unable to understand others’ feelings and empathize with them. On the one hand, this is true – it is very difficult for 1E to put themselves in someone else’s shoes: they can imagine it, but they cannot feel it. But on the other hand, it is not their fault – 1Es are simply hostages of their own psychotype.

It is very important not to confuse Emotion with Ethics in Socionics. Although the phrase “ethical emotions” used by many Socionists contains the word “emotion,” Ethics of Relations does not describe a person’s emotional state, but rather defines the way in which a person perceives information. Extraverted Ethics characterizes how we express and perceive reactions, not what we feel.

Emotion is a state possessed by every living creature. In the process of communication, we transmit our emotional state to others or accept the emotional states of others. In this case, the peculiarity of 1E is their closedness to the emotional states of others, their attention is simply focused on themselves, and they do not know how to adopt others’ emotional states without experiencing them themselves. That is, it is difficult for the First Emotion to understand others’ emotions until they themselves go through a similar experience. In such situations, if it is necessary to sympathize with someone and show involvement, 1E may say “yes, I have also experienced something similar” or “I’m sorry for you, I can’t imagine how you feel”.

The First Emotion likes to feel strong emotions, to experience them within themselves. They live in “their own world,” which can be either magical and beautiful or tragic and bleak, but it is always separated from reality and autonomous. The holder of 1E is immersed in themselves most of the time.

Do not expect long conversations about your feelings from 1E – they simply do not know how to talk about it for so long. After all, dialogue with another person is a special process that requires mutual discussion, reciprocal questions, and a depth of interest in the other person. However, 1E can tirelessly express their own feelings in words (2L), physical care and attraction (2F) or actions (2V).

If 1E is bad, it is necessary for this bad mood to “burn out” inside, so that it flares up even stronger and then goes out. Therefore, if the mood is sad, 1E fills its life with sadness, and if it’s happy, with joy. If it is done the other way around, 1E simply won’t be able to cope with the emotions that overwhelm its inner world. By the way, this is characteristic not only of 1E, but also of the 3E. This is a sign of the introverted Emotion, which cannot “catch” the feelings from the surrounding world, but produces its own.

Such people stand out with their increased expressiveness, free expression of emotions, infectious laughter, often bright facial expressions and radiant gaze, or, on the contrary, with the expression of universal sorrow on their faces. They don’t have a tendency to clamp their vocal cords, so their voice is usually deep and full, or high-pitched. They often involuntarily start to raise their voice, without controlling themselves. Their emotions are easy to read, they don’t pretend or hide the manifestations of their inner world.

In a company, such people can either immerse themselves in themselves or attract general attention, which primarily depends on their inner mood. It should be said that the 1E, like the 3E, often gives the impression of introverts, which, again, is a sign of the introverted Emotion, focused on itself. They don’t need an external energy boost, they can only share, but they always have something to share, so they need periods of recovery.