Accentuations of the Fourth Volition |
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Accentuations of the Fourth Volition

Based on the property of Unconsciousness, 4V mostly does not pay attention to the process of forming their own and others’ intentions and sees desires as some objective fact that cannot be changed – it can only be implemented or abandoned in favor of other people. As can be understood from the property of Extraversion, holders of 4V are inclined to support other people in their aspirations more than focusing on their own and involving someone else in them. The Fourth Volition can easily “infect” others with their goals, and in this case, they can show wonders of persistence, helping you. As an objective function, 4V is easily influenced in the sphere of its aspect, so such people often suffer from being imposed on them goals that are alien to them. However, the Fourth Volitions themselves rarely try to impose a choice or decision, believing that it is the personal matter of each person.

All these properties are manifested in the character of the owner of 4V, but one of them comes to the fore, forming the most commonly used way of interacting with others. Depending on which property of the function is accentuated, different errors are most likely to occur when typing. A description of each accentuation can be found below:

Accentuation: unconsciousness

It is difficult for such 4V to engage in dialogue and seek compromises when their aspirations intersect with others’. Usually, they follow their desires and do whatever comes to mind, which can make them appear as 1V. But, unlike 1V, such 4V avoid responsibility, dislike fulfilling their promises because it is difficult for them to make themselves do what they do not want. It is also very noticeable that the Fourth Volition, accentuated on the result, is subject to the influence of the environment, which can lead to manifestations of rebellion: “Leave me alone, I don’t want to do anything!” In the same situations, 1V would calmly do their thing and not pay attention to anyone. Thus, this accentuation of 4V is the least suitable for cooperation.

Accentuation: extraversion

This 4V is distinguished by an interest in the desires and goals of other people, and involvement in the process of their achievement. Due to active support and a willingness to compromise, it can be mistaken for 2V. However, there are two points by which they can be distinguished. The first is the tendency of the Fourth Volition to sacrifice its own interests, which subjective Volition would not allow. The second is the inability to help with goal-setting and determining one’s own desires, and focusing only on the process of achieving them, once they are already set. Constant searching and doubts from another person (usually a holder of the Third Volition) greatly exhaust such a 4V, as it creates a sense of futility of efforts. The Second Volition, on the other hand, shows its full creative potential in such situations. Nevertheless, this accentuation of the Fourth Volition can be called the most active when it comes to joint activities.

Accentuation: objectivity

A person with such an accentuation is highly susceptible to the influence of others in the sphere of desires and goals. Usually, they go with the flow, not making decisions independently and giving in to the pressure of other people. This Fourth Volition is too uncertain to want anything and achieve it. These people lack ambitions both in work and relationships. They are compliant, relying on their partner for everything, not because they trust them, but because they don’t care about the vector of their own development and are willing to accept any direction. Due to doubts in their own abilities and low self-esteem, this 4V can be mistaken for 3V, but unlike the latter, it has no “double bottom,” meaning that it does not secretly despise other people and does not dream of conquering the world. Their lack of initiative and obedience is not a mask, but an internal state. This is the most weak-willed and “listless” variant of the Fourth Volition.