Images of DCNH socionic subtypes
Императивная соционика

Typical images of subtypes

Dominant subtype

This subtype is inclined to linearly give energy. Te is used for qualitative processing of used technologies and methods, for maximum utilization of resources. The Dominant subtype gives off energy, and is a leader who, with the help of strengthened Fe, tries to influence subordinates: encourage them, inspire them, find a common language with them. It is an extravert who directs his energy outward, not inward. He is not inclined to spend energy on many tasks; his approach is to start one, finish it, and then move on to another. He is more inclined to find common ground and negotiate rather than engage in confrontation. Representatives of the Dominant subtype were great orators (Cicero, Hitler), entrepreneurs (Steve Jobs, Bill Gates), politicians (Zhirinovsky, Tymoshenko).

Creative subtype

This subtype, unlike the Dominant, is not inclined to dialogue. Such a type finds it easier to go into conflict, give orders (Se), or circumvent obstacles (Ne). The behavior of the Creative subtype is directed towards searching for new ideas, possibilities, and abilities. Creatives like to command, while Dominants like to lead. The Creative subtype is inclined to start everything at once and not finish half of what they started. The Creative is characterized by flexibility in decision-making, the ability to find a way out. Where the Dominant will go into dialogue, the Creative will either try to bypass the obstacle or enter into conflict with it. Famous representatives of the Creative subtype include conquerors (Napoleon, Zhukov), fantasists and inventors (Don Quixote, Tom Sawyer), and pioneering sailors.

Normative subtype

This subtype is the easiest to understand. Strengthening of Ti is characterized by the fact that representatives of the Normative subtype tend to systematize and structure information, and strengthening of Fi makes them follow norms and rules, a certain established ethics. They perceive it very painfully when these rules and norms are violated. These are introverts who direct their energy towards themselves, not towards others. They are focused on Dominant behavior, when others adapt to them. Representatives of this subtype include great philosophers (Kant, Socrates, Descartes), scientists (Curie, Jung), and writers (Kafka, Chekhov).

Harmonic subtype

This subtype differs from the normalizing subtype in that it easily responds to interference in its world. Its task is to eliminate conflicts, Harmonic relationships with others. If the normalizing subtype is like a Catholic priest, then the Harmonic subtype is like a Buddhist monk. This subtype is important to be able to adapt to the external environment. They are more focused on their own sensations and experiences, rather than on rules, which they still follow. Representatives of the Harmonic subtype are often found among cooks, artists, performers and philosophers: Buddha, Paulo Coelho, Giorgio Armani, Boris Grebenshchikov, Alexander Vasiliev (Spleen), Ilya Lagutenko (Mumiy Troll).