Description of the First Physics
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Description of the First Physics

There is an undeniable difference between the First Physics of various psychosophical types, which is explained by different combinations of subjective, intoverted and unconscious functions. But there are also some common traits that are typical for all holders of 1F. Let’s talk about it in more detail.

The First Physics endows a person with such qualities as physical strength, endurance and an unquenchable zest for life. After all, there are so many bodily pleasures in the world! How can one say that life is meaningless in the face of such physical enjoyment? For 1F, the delight of existence is contained within physical pleasure.

1Fs love the feeling of possessing “this is mine, and I can do whatever I want with it.” Such an attitude partially extends to the romantic partners of the First Physics, whom they show signs of attention as owners: put a hand on the knee, squeeze, hug, etc. It is characteristic for them to accumulate money without a specific goal because it is pleasant to own them. They become attached to the objects of their “possession” and parting with them is difficult. It can be argued that ownership is one of the main manifestations of the sensuality of 1F.

The First Physics feel their body and the surrounding material reality well, so they usually do not like to follow the advice of doctors, often resorting to self-medication (and usually successfully). Sports are one of the physical pleasures for 1F, but doing it constantly and regularly is difficult for them without additional motivation (e.g., by Volition).

1F-people are almost never small and fragile in appearance. Usually, they have a dense physique and an abundance of muscles on their body. Even if a First Physics has a lean body, it will still look athletic, not asthenic.