Pushkin type (EFVL) description
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Pushkin type (EFVL) description

Representatives of Pushkin type attract attention with their emotional expressiveness and expressivity. They are not prone to embarrassment. Pushkin type are quite indifferent to other people’s opinions and behave as they want, which causes a strong reaction in society. People find it difficult to relate to them neutrally – EFVL evoke either indignation or admiration (sometimes both at the same time). Despite their apparent sensitivity, Pushkin can be quite indifferent and insensitive to other people’s feelings.

Usually, representatives of the EFVL type are active, in good physical shape, engage in sports or dancing, and move a lot. They like to give advice to others about their appearance and lifestyle. At the same time, they can show sarcasm and intolerance towards people who, in their opinion, do not take care of themselves or dress tastelessly. In general, they have a difficult character and are prone to conflicts.

Pushkin types are quite touchy when their self-esteem is hurt, especially in company. But at the same time, they are not vindictive and quickly cool down – because of their mood swings. Their feelings are bright, quickly flare up and fade away. EFVL are ambitious and active, they are capable of a lot when they are inspired by a certain goal. Their desire to demonstrate their successes to other people plays a significant role in this, to prove what they are capable of.

These people find intellectual activity difficult. Mental strain requires certain efforts from them and does not bring pleasure, so they do not seek to explain their conclusions unless someone persistently demands it. They believe that an intelligent person should be concise and able to express their thoughts in a few words. They are drawn to such people, considering them the most adequate, and have unconditional trust in them. They do not like debates, need reliable knowledge that can have practical applications, and prefer to receive and assimilate it alone.

To summarize, EFVL are bright, active, impulsive and stubborn person who don’t like excessive talking and made judgments based on their own, not always clear logic from an external perspective.

In order for you to create a more complete image of Pushkin, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the descriptions of their functions (1E, 2F, 3V and 4L), as well as their accentuations (1E, 2F, 3V and 4L).