What socionics is for
Императивная соционика

What socionics is for

As our observations show, beginners rarely fully understand the benefits of socionics. For them, it is just another classification of people, including tests and descriptions: anyone interested can find a close image for themselves and start playing it among their friends or new acquaintances. Unfortunately, only a small part of those interested in socionics try to deepen their knowledge. And they do it mostly wrong: they study all the materials available to them (websites, videos, books, forums) and synthesize their own, even further from the truth, vision of socionics from selected (largely contradictory) fragments. There is no practical use for such knowledge: if a person thinks that their socionics works, it can usually be explained by simple cognitive distortions (as is the case with those who believe in horoscopes).

It is impossible to use socionics correctly if you do not have a quality understanding of its foundations (after all, serious practice always follows from theory). For this reason, specifically for the readers of our website, I will try to explain what we study with socionics, and based on that, why it is needed.

First, you should remember that socionics studies information: data describing the reality around us. In other words, it provides an understanding of how the world around us is arranged, what nature the processes taking place in it have, where our psyche comes from, and so on. This is as important and interesting knowledge as knowledge of chemistry, physics, or biology. With the help of socionics, one can describe observed phenomena or classify already known information about them.

We know that socionics studies information metabolism – how a person perceives, processes and assimilates information. First and foremost, this gives us an understanding of what makes us who we are and what distinguishes us from other people. It explains many seemingly individual moments for which we may have been criticized by those around us. This helps us accept ourselves, on the one hand by understanding that we are not at fault for who we are, and on the other hand, that we are not alone in being this way. Secondly, socionics helps us reassess our interests and life priorities, to change our lifestyle or field of activity (since we often don’t really understand what we want, and have to do a lot of things blindly).

Ultimately, socionics explains how information exchange occurs between different people, upon which our mutual understanding and conflicts are built. With its help, we can not only explain the thinking patterns we already know, but also understand how other people see the world (even after only a surface-level introduction). It also gives us a set of tools that we can use to improve the quality of communication with the people around us.

In addition, through socionics, you can discover your duals: types with whom you can build the most understandable, close and reliable relationships that are impossible with anyone else. You will learn about their thinking patterns, what interests them, and what they pay attention to. You will understand what sets them apart from other people and why they are specifically compatible with your type. As loud as it may sound, non-duality may cease to attract you in the future.

To summarize, firstly, socionics provides us with another understanding of the surrounding reality – its informational component. With this knowledge, one can look at phenomena that we have already studied (for example, the history of humanity) from a new perspective. Secondly, socionics describes the principles of our perception of information. This knowledge will be useful to anyone who studies their character and works on their personality. Thirdly, with the help of socionics, one can understand how other people think. Knowing where a person’s personal traits manifest themselves and where typological traits do, it will be easier for you to stop waiting for the moment when they change and become different. And fourthly, with socionics, you will learn how to build relationships with people of other types and what the advantage of duality is.

As you can see, socionics is more than just another useless classification of people. On the contrary, it is knowledge that can qualitatively improve our understanding of ourselves and be useful in interacting with the people around us.

That’s all I wanted to share in this note; I hope it was useful to you. If you want to learn more about how socionics works, go to the corresponding section of the website’s main menu: there you will find many useful articles. Also, if you wish, come to us for typing.