Description of the Third Logic
Императивная соционика

Description of the Third Logic

The owners of the Third Logic are simultaneously naive and distrustful. On the one hand, they are willing to believe in something that is well-argued; on the other hand, they do not trust “just information,” even from an authoritative source. However, 3L individuals are touchingly grateful when something is explained to them or when they are told something interesting, or when unexpected conclusions are drawn from a situation.

These people often appear to be “interested in everything.” They can engage in a variety of activities simply to learn something new and satisfy their curiosity. They enjoy discussions on abstract topics, in the process of which they can identify the patterns of the world order – politics, society, relationships, religion, etc. They are often highly educated but have difficulty structuring their knowledge.

The easiest way to recognize the Third Logic is in an argument: they immediately lose their confidence and react quite aggressively. This is due to the fact that they begin to doubt the correctness of their opinion and their knowledge. 3L is unable to “agree to disagree” like 2L, leaving everyone with their own opinion – no, they need to get to the truth.

Sometimes 3L individuals have trouble expressing their thoughts in words, which manifests as incoherence and confusion of speech. Then they try to express their thoughts again. 3L individuals also sometimes have difficulty understanding simple things because they expect a catch in everything and are not inclined to trust their intellect.