Tracking functions aim to monitor new information and they keep us in constant contact with the environment. On the other hand, Insulation functions work in isolation and we prefer not to interact with the world through them. Thus, tracking functions represent the extraverted, open side of our type, while insulation functions represent the introverted, closed side.
In particular, this pair of properties plays an important role in forming the so-called “dimensionalities” of functions: dividing them into caretaking 4-dimensional (Leading and Demonstrative), egocentric 3-dimensional (Creative and Ignoring), self-sufficient 2-dimensional (Role and Mobilizing) and those, that wait for care, 1-dimensional (Vulnerable and Suggestive).
It is important not to forget that tracking/insulation only pertains to perception: it determines which aspects of information we pay attention to first. When it comes to processing, other properties come into play. For instance, an aspect may be carefully considered, but not in focus, or vice versa. To avoid errors in determining these properties, try to consider only the moments that unambiguously point to them.
The tracking functions include Leading (1), Vulnerable (4), Suggestive (5) and Demonstrative (8) functions. The insulation functions include Creative (2), Role (3), Mobilizing (6) and Ignoring (7) functions. These function properties are the basis for dividing types into two pair of traits: Carefree/Farsighted and Yielding/Obstinate.
Carefree are types with tracking aspects of introverted Sensing and extraverted Intuition in combination with insulating aspects of extraverted Sensing and introverted Intuition, while Farsighted are types with tracking aspects of extraverted Sensing and introverted Intuition in combination with insulating aspects of introverted Sensing and extraverted Intuition.
Similarly, Yielding are types with tracking aspects of introverted Ethics and extraverted Logic in combination with insulating aspects of extraverted Ethics and introverted Logic, while Obstinate are types with tracking aspects of extraverted Ethics and introverted Logic in combination with introverted Ethics and extraverted Logic.